I am sure that you have been wracking your brains for Christmas gift ideas for some time now. And with the big day looming ever nearer, you might be running out of time and funds for gifts. Here’s a good idea that I got from 8bitjoystick over at Seattle PI – trade in old games:
Two weeks ago I bit the bullet and packaged up a lot of old game systems and games that I have had in storage and not played in years and traded them in at Pink Godzilla games. I would rather pass them on to a new home than to move them to my new place and then let them collect dust in a storage in the back of my closet. That and the back of my HDTV looks like a basket of snakes when I have my old game systems hooked up. I had to run some older 3d game systems through a video filter to even get them to display correctly on my rather fickle HDTV.
I think that this is a brilliant idea – something that everyone should have thought of. He is right, those old games would probably end up in storage and gather dust anyway.
Another thing that I think I might do is take a look at my collection and see which games I can actually give away. I have countless little cousins and nephews who would appreciate playing some games. Naturally, I am not parting with my special edition games but I am more than willing to pass on some others. Would you give away or trade in old games?